Individual lessons | Full courses | LIVE Q&A every month
Downloadable materials | An engaged community of enthusiastic learners
and much more…
Individual lessons | Full courses | LIVE Q&A every month
Downloadable materials | An engaged community of enthusiastic learners
and much more… is a dedicated portal providing access to everything that I have on bass & music education at a price that makes it accessible to as many as possible.
You’ll also have immediate access to a positive & supportive community of students and players from all over the world.. You, me and every other member can communicate directly about lessons, music, gear… whatever’s on your mind! (privately or publicly)
(Includes access to my 2hr Video Companion for my book “Right Hand Drive” ($20 value)
• Alternative methods for accessing the site •
*Note: Due to abuse by a few unfortunate souls, I’ve had to disable instantaneous access via this page.
If you’d like to take advantage of this opportunity, please email me directly. I apologize for any inconvenience!
A more detailed look at what this community will bring you… (click to expand)
I simply want to provide a space from which I can share, teach, assist and engage with the global bass community in my own way. I just need to cover the cost of doing so and, if enough people enjoy what I have to offer here, maybe make a few bucks. I'm not looking to quit my day job (music is the best!). Honestly, I don’t feel the need to reinvent the wheel or jump in the deepest of subscription oceans. There are a TON of great educational sites out there already. (I'll even link to a few of my favorites inside. There are some fantastic resources out there), I just want to provide a central place for those interested in my approach to things, as well as some of the thousands who have bought my books but can’t work with me in person or don’t resonate with the remote lesson experience.
I have spent decades teaching jazz workshops, giving masterclasses and clinics, touring and recording all over the world and have frequently been asked about a central place to access my teachings.
This is it! That is why I created I started from scratch and created brand new videos and instructional materials, specifically tailored to this format and I want to make it available to everybody at a price that you can afford!
Thank you for your time, attention and enthusiasm. Happy shedding!
~ Damian
Emails are typically sent just once per month (unless something special is happening). I have no intention of clogging up your inbox.