Live Video Archive
Video Archive (with charts):

Unrehearsed and loose. Bye-Ya (in 7)

Live streaming from the 1905 in Portland, Ore

I love this slow burn from one of my favorite projects in town here.
This can be a challenging tempo. Try playing along with the provided chart!

This was a blast…. Live-stream from the 1905 in Portland, Ore. Live music making experiences are few and far between these days but we get everything we can out of each and every one!
Feat: Greg Goebel (pno) & Charlie Doggett (drms)

A 2-hr live-stream with two of my local favorites.. Greb Goebel on piano and Charlie Doggett on drums.
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Some live footage from Jimmy Mak's in Portland, OR with a stellar group led by pianist George Colligan. Featuring Tom Guarna (gtr), Reinhardt Melz (drms) and myself on bass. Not the easiest reading gig in town!

Janek Gwizdala actually filmed this one with his hand held camera. This was in the relatively early days of the Peter Erskine New Trio featuring myself and one of my favorite musicians, pianists Vardan Ovsepian.

A fun Seattle band I play in often started by drummer Tarik Abouzied (also in the Skerik Band video).

A nice afternoon hang with these great players from Seattle and Portland. Tarik Abouzied (drms), Dan Balmer (gtr), Joe Doria (orgn) and myself on bass playing on of my earliest compositions, “American Gyro”

These are some of my favorite Portlanders to play with and I was honored to play on this tribute to Chick Corea. Live streamed from The 1905 Mar 15, 2021

Skerik Band - Full Performance (March 15th, 2020). Streamed live via in Seattle during the very beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in place of a few NW shows that had just gotten cancelled, while on a short tour.

I plunked a GoPro down by me on this one. An entire 1.5hr set at Jimmy Mak's in Portland, OR. Crushing band. Make sure you grab the charts for these so you can read along with me. Tahira Memory (vox), Jarrod Lawson (pno), Shook Black (drms), Peter Knudsen (gtr), John Nastos (sax), Paul Mazzio (trmpt).

A tricky tune from Mike Prigodich called Haiku because the primary section of the tune is in alternating bars of 5/8, 7/8, and 5/8. Mike Prigodich (pno), John Nastos (sax), Reinhardt Melz (drms) and myself on bass. Check out Reinhardt's soloing at the end over the 'Haiku' section!

Another gem from pianist Greg Goebel from our 'live to tape' session and Fremont Recording on Sauvie Island (near Portland, OR). Greg Goebel (pno), Jason Palmer (drms) and myself on bass.

Some live footage from Jimmy Mak's in Portland, OR with a stellar group led by pianist George Colligan. Featuring Tom Guarna (gtr), Reinhardt Melz (drms) and myself on bass. Not the easiest reading gig in town!

One of my main road gigs for the past 10 years or so. Gino Vannelli. This band crushes (check out that drum solo)!
From our “Live in LA” DVD

Some footage from a fun session at Fremont Recording here in Oregon with Greg Goebel (pno) and Jason Palmer (drms). A live session to tape, with no overdubs. We had a few minutes left on a reel so Greg called a quick tune (literally) and we just played until the tape ran out.

Rickey Lawson, David Dyson & myself playing my tune “Bestowal” for Gruv Gear

Another one with Tarik Abouzied and ‘Happy Orchestra’.

This is a slow burn. I love this song. Janek Gwizdala recorded a beautiful rendition on the first Dr. Um album and I always have his sound in mind during the bass solo at the end (although I still prefer his version. :-)
Nice bass melody notated in the chart as well for a little reading shed)

Greg’s tunes are blast to play, though… NOT easy. lol
Greg, Reinhardt & I all tour with Gino Vannelli as well.

Our first gig Since Dec 2019 (This was March 2021). I missed the journey these guys always bring me on.
• >>GET CHARTS HERE (with my annotations and in set order)<<
Unrehearsed and loose but this group is fun!
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